Monday, January 14, 2008

And In Other Becca News...

I worked out with a personal trainer today. I got 1 free session with my new gym membership. It was really fun and REALLY hard. I thought that she was really mean when she made me do like a million squats and wasn't really a million but it felt like it. I would love to have a personal trainer but since I can't afford it I'll just have to follow one around and do whatever they are telling other people to do.

So I'm no longer a primary chorister. I'm SO sad and MAD! They totally dissolved my ward and split us up so some of my friends and in one ward and some are in another. Oh and they moved me to 9:00 church! I hate 9:00 church. I had 2 wonderful weeks at 1:00 church just to have it rudely taken away from me. :( Now I'm going to have to go to boring Sunday school and boring relief society.

And I guess that that's all of my news...except I'm pregnant...wait, no I'm not. I just felt like I needed to make some big announcement since my name is in the blog post and it made it sound like something really important was going to be said. I have nothing important to say and I'm NOT pregnant...I promise.


  1. Oooh, I'm mad at you. You can't whip out the fake-pregnancy announcement and not expect serious repercussions.

    Just kidding. But I was excited for a second.

  2. I know I'm a brat! I couldn't help it!

  3. Sorry about them splitting up your ward honey. I hope you get another calling soon. Love you.
