Wednesday, November 7, 2007

He has a camera and he knows how to use it.

Here are some of Eli's photography skills on display. I was working on the computer and heard a suspicious noise. I couldn't believe how many pictures he took! There were 3 more than this too. Do these pictures speak to you? Do you see the artistic talent that he possesses? I mean the composition, the lighting, the content! it's amazing! We will probably be making prints of these and selling them so if you need Christmas presents you know where to come! :)


  1. That's awesome!!!

    I should leave my laptop out and see if he can make money on the stock market now...

  2. Wow, I think he's on his way to being a professional! You young mother's nowadays have it so much easier. In my case after I'd spend good money to develop pictures I'd find these kinds of pictures.

    I'm sorry but the bear looks better as Buzz.
