Wednesday, March 9, 2011


And last but not least-ME!

Since last year I was able to accomplish a few cool things. I did a woman's triathlon and ran in the Ragnar Race. Both races were really fun and I loved doing them. I would love to do them both again next year after I am back in shape.

I also turned 31 in July. We spent the day house hunting and I didn't remember that I had turned 31 until about January when I had to ask Stewart how old I was. For Mother's Day, Eli and Stewart bought me Rock Band and we really played that religiously. Our band seriously rocks and we do the best with Eli as the singer, Stew on drums and me on guitar. I also let Stewart buy me a gun. It's very cute and little and fun to shoot so it met all my requirements. It can kill a man so it met Stewart's requirements also. I actually love my gun but don't like to give Stewart the satisfaction of admitting it unless someone makes fun of it.

My favorite thing though is having a house. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our house and the neighborhood that we moved into. There is a lot of stuff that I want to do to the house but there is time for all that. I spent the first month taking down wallpaper and painting the upstairs bedrooms. Then I found out I was pregnant at the end of finishing the painting and was too tired (and a bit nauseous) to do anything more.

So mostly I've been just growing this baby boy. I unpack boxes here and there and do all that mom stuff too. I have been pretty surprised that pregnancy is better and worse than I remember. This little baby moves around a lot and it's so fun to feel him move. I love it. I have a lot more aches and pains than I remember feeling with Eli though. It could be because I'm 8 years older or was 10 lbs heavier to start. I always said that if I ever got pregnant again I wouldn't complain but that's harder to do than I thought. I try to not complain much to people other than Stewart and my sister though. Oh, and this whole blog...

I'm just really happy that Stewart's home, that we have a wonderful home, and that my family is going to grow by one. It's a great life.


  1. You complain hardly at all about being pregnant! You should hear me. Oh wait.. you do. And even when you complain.. it sounds like you love it. :)

  2. We don't mind you complaining. It's normal. You would be weird if you didn't complain.

  3. I know, it feels weird to complain about anything to do with kids when you have wanted them so badly for so long! But some parts are still complaint worthy!

    So, are you going to be ready to start roller derby in August? That's when the next session will start. Get ready!

  4. I think I loved reading about you the most.... I'm so happy we are friends. You rock.

  5. Look at how cute you are! AND you ran two races, so you are WAY cool.

  6. You look really pretty in that picture of you holding the gun!!
