Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm baaaack!

I hope I can remember how to do this blogging thing. Reading back on my previous blogs I realized how hilarious I was and how you probably all really missed me.

I was going to start back up in January, (not as a New Years resolution thing though) but then I couldn't find the cord to Stewart's camera. I needed that camera because it had the pictures of the house that we bought in September. That camera has a weird SD card so the only way to transfer pics is with the cord. It seemed like God didn't want me to blog so I just chilled out and then lo and behold Stewart found the cord on Saturday.

That reminds me of another thing I didn't think God wanted me to do which was have another baby and lo and behold in September I found out I am pregnant. When we move to Bountiful I get pregnant but this one has stuck and I am as big as a house. We are SO happy and excited and thankful and anxious...wait, I should say I am anxious because I still don't trust myself to carry a baby full term and I can't believe I'm going to actually have another baby! Stewart just is patient with me and listens to all my worries and then says don't worry.

I'll leave here with a few pictures because if you think I'm going to type everything that's happened since I last wrote you are nuts. I will probably go into more detail later on some of these things but for now...enjoy.


  1. YAY! I am glad you're back. I missed you! I can't wait for more posts! :)

  2. So good to see you blogging again! I look forward to reading more. You really are a good (and funny) writer.

  3. Thanks for the invite! I can't wait to see what is happening for you guys!

  4. YEAY!!! I'm glad you are blogging, because you are SO right. You are hilarious and we all missed you. It. The whole blogging thing with you being hilarious.

    And, surprisingly, I haven't yet seen a picture of your house. I LOVE it. I love the red brick. It looks perfect. I want it.

    Oh, and I'm SO GLAD I got the invite. I wasn't sure I would make the cut.

  5. Great. I was just about to make a comeback too... now it's like I'm just copying. I'll have to wait another couple of months now.

  6. I am glad to be reading your blog again and so happy for you that you are pregnant. Babies are so wonderful!

  7. And welcome back to Utah. I didn't know you moved. Did I? Sorry.

  8. I am overjoyed that you are blogging again. Seriously. I thought something might be going on when I noticed you commenting on mine more often. Hooray.
