Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patty's day.

Eli was visited by a leprechaun. He is still talking about it 2 hours later.

Eli was planning on catching a leprechaun and keeping it for a slave so I think it's good Eli got some tricks played on him!


  1. Just look at those cute skinny legs!! You are so creative Becca. I'm totally copying this idea when Wesley gets older!!!

  2. I know I love that he will wear shirts to bed because I love his cute legs. I copied from my sister so you are welcome to copy from me. Well I did come up with the mustache on my own...muah ha ha. I'm mean like that.

  3. Awesome video! I love the look when he sees himself in the mirror. How come you didn't video him finding the green milk? I wanted to see the green milk myself. Very funny sis.

  4. Caden just watched this and loved it. He thought Eli's plan to catch the leprechaun was great. He is going to try to catch it next year!!!

  5. We saw london, we saw france...
    That was so funny! What a good mom you are! Love the mustachio.

  6. That was awesome, Becca. Seriously, you rock.

  7. Becca you are such a great mom! I loved this too, Eli is so cute! Good underwear trick, too funny!

  8. I rally hope that you haven't stopped blogging. When are you posting again?? I need a fix and you won't return texts. :) (Not that I woudn't do the same thing. wink*wink.)

  9. really

    I speak English.
