Friday, June 20, 2008

It IS What Fun Is!

Lagoon. You know it and love it. Come on you know you do. We went to Lagoon yesterday for my work party and had SO MUCH FUN! Eli and I went earlier in the day and Stewart met us after work. Eli was so awesome and had such a great time. He loved the Tidal Wave so much and kept his hands up the whole time. As soon as it was over he wanted to go again. He also did the Bat which was his first roller coaster ride...well not counting Puff.

I also won a $50.00 gift card to Home Depot so that was nice. We dropped Eli off at Stewart's sister, Laurie's house (that doesn't sound or look right punctuation-wise) so we could go back and do the "fun" rides I love Wicked and Spider so much and I want to damn the damn Jet Star to damnation for hurting my neck!

We had fun anyway and it was a nice distraction from the stress of moving and army training that we are feeling.

We went home happy and tired and can't wait for another Lagoon day!



  1. I WANT TO GO TO LAGOON! It sounds like you guys had a great time!!

  2. You CAN write your own blogs... but are they as good as the ones I write for you? ;-)

  3. I personally like that I'll never have to worry in the half second before the page loads that there will be a giant and grotesque picture of a mutilated rabbit on Becca's blog.

    So...I'm confused after reading the article. Did you have to go to the hospital? And what about the one person that "requested" to go? Was this person on a date and it just wasn't going so well and they figured that was as good of reason as any to bail?

  4. Answer georganne's questions. Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. OH sorry. That article wasn't about me it was an example of the evil that is the "Jet Star."

    After I got home I figured that I should have made a fuss and tried to get some kind of settlement! Those people probably did.

  6. Becca... Lagoon looks sooo FUN, i can't wait to go this year...
