Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Not to cause a panic but...

...I think that it just might be girls scout cookie time! Dryers has their girl scout cookie ice cream on sale again. I saw it at the store and I got really, really excited. It might have been because I haven't had any sugar today but it probably was because "it's girl scout cookie time!" There is no other explanation necessary! Samoas are like God's gift to humans. Thin Mints are little slices of chocolate covered heaven.

Those are pretty much all I get because they are so expensive. When I was a girl scout I had two customers who bought probably 30 boxes each. It was awesome because it got me that much closer to getting the prize that I wanted. Now I understand it though. It's a long wait to get you some girl scout cookies!

p.s. in my opinion the ice cream isn't worth it. There are hardly any cookie pieces in the container!


  1. Oh no, not GS cookie time. I can't resist them. I search the streets for card tables set up with girls and their leaders selling cookies at them. Drat. Here comes the 5 lbs I lost last month. Somoas are the best. Thin mints a close second. What is everyone's favorite?

  2. Man, oh man! I love some cookies! Okay, so tell me where you get them so I too, can partake.

  3. Oh crap... I love those things, and yes samoas are the best. But, Valerie, at least you lost the 5 to begin with... I am just adding to the existing baby chub. sigh.

  4. Becca, if I buy you a box of GS cookies, will you quit digging the candy pieces out of my ice cream?

  5. Nobody comes to our house anymore so I have to find them in other places and your window of opportunity is limited. The Smith's Grocery Store in Herriman had a troop selling them last year. Also, I've seen a troop out in front of that weird looking western wear store on Redwood Road and about 11400 S. Do your searching on Saturdays; I think they start selling them in March.

    What kind of candy is Becca stealing out of the ice cream?

  6. So, I don't think I have ever *bought* a package of girl scout cookies. When I was a river guide, there was a girl scout troop that would come every summer and give us each a couple of their left over boxes. Then last year, they were just giving them out on post at all the FRG functions. Maybe I should research all my options before making a decision...

  7. Becca's favorite kind of candy or cookies, is whatever happens to be in the ice cream I just bought. It can be peanut butter cups, cookie dough, oreo cookies, fudge swirl...

    She loves to take a spoon and "mine" a vein of candy, and leaves the ice cream behind - after her work is done, the ice cream looks like a small garden that has been roto tilled.

    The irony is that if I were to buy a carton of vanilla ice cream and a bag of chocolate/candy commonly found in ice cream... she would probably leave both of them alone.

    I'd be better off buying plain vanilla or chocolate ice cream, since that's what I usually end up with anyways.
