Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Mr Darcy. Ahhh just the name sends my heart into quick palpitations. (Stewart, I do love you best.) I think that any girl who likes Pride and Prejudice knows all about Mr. Darcy and the crush that he can produce in a female. (Maybe in men too. There are such things as man crushes after all.) Anyway I have just finished a book called Austenland by Shannon Hale. It's about a woman who LOVES Mr. Darcy, as played by Colin Firth, *sigh* and hasn't had a normal relationship because she is always hoping for a Mr. Darcy and the men never measure up. She goes on a trip to Austenland where there are actors everyone pretends that they are from the Pride and Prejudice era. She is hoping to break herself of the Mr. Darcy curse.

This was a really funny book so if you are looking for something light and fun I would recommend this book.


  1. Becca, I want to read it... and you need to borrow a couple movies from me as well, based on our last night out. Come over!

  2. Mmmm, Colin Firth! Speaking of books have you read the Twilight series yet??

  3. Yes the twilight series rocks. I just finished the 3rd book about 3 days ago.

  4. How funny! I didn't know you were reading that book. How come I didn't know that. I should know stuff like that.

  5. Mr. Darcy is SUCH a pansy rich boy...

    I could totally take him.
