Thursday, September 13, 2007

girls night out

Last night I went out to dinner with my friends Valerie and Alicia. (You can read all about Alicia in her blog that is linked to my page. Sorry you can't do the same about Valerie though. Maybe she should start one!) Alicia and I tried to guilt her into starting one at dinner so we'll see if it happens. Anyway we had so much fun!

We went to Alicia's classroom because she is a high school teacher...which is hilarious because we were freaking brats in school. I was too scared to ever actually teach because what if what goes around REALLY does come around.

Then we went to dinner where, much to the chagrin of our waitress, we stayed for HOURS. We have so much fun reminiscing about all the fun or naughty or fun AND naughty things that we used to do.

Next, Valerie and I (minus Alicia because she had to go take care of her ailing hubby) went to see Hairspray which was so freaking great! Valerie and I each ate like 5 pounds of ice cream on top of the 20 pounds of Asian food that we had for dinner. So all-in-all it was great!

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun!!!! I'm so happy you guys liked the movie. I listen to the soundtrack all the time. "You can't stop the beat!"
    And I LOVED you guys coming to my classroom. It makes me feel so loved.
